As a company we focus on generating monetary profit as much as on creating social impact. This mindset guides us in all our business-related decisions and leads us to also considering the social return on investment. While our corporate culture continues to evolve, GSN has been developing its own interpretation of social entrepreneurship since 2013, which is inspired by the conclusion that only a radical change of the way we share and reinvest profit can possibly resolve the business-related eco-social issues all over the world.

While the current profit-oriented business paradigm creates positive impact for some rich parts of the global society, it also leads to a - less visible - massive exploitation of nature and people. The system is not harmonious.

We believe that businesses should be a force for good for the entire world. Besides governments, businesses have the most power to drive the change for the better. It is our vision to lead the electronics manufacturing industry by connecting innovative business practices with positive social impact in the most inspiring and radical ways.


Our mission is to pursue maximum harmony between the interests of our shareholders, of our employees and of the society in which we operate. This triple harmony can be achieved by following a simple but radical approach which is both - innovative and easy to copy by any business of any industry and size.

The disruptive aspect of TRI-MONY is, that the profit of a company is divided into three equal parts. One part of that profit is still reserved for the shareholder or company owner as personal dividend. However, the other two parts of the profit are strictly designated to finance the company's radical commitment to Social Corporate Responsibilty and Corporate Citizenship. We regard TRI-MONY as a robust and transparent business model, which may serve as a blueprint for fellow entrepreneurs who would like to take action and join us in becoming an eco-social game changer.

Our shareholders use 2/3 of their profit and invest this
profit in social improvements

  • 1/3 inside the community

  • 1/3 inside the factories

  • TRI-MONY is disruptive in two different ways:

    On the one hand, it is radically innovative because owners give up two thirds of profit. On the other hand, it is radical in terms of consequently dedicating those two thirds to making the world a BETTER place.

    One share to strive for more eco-social justice within a company and the other one to preserve the eco-social integrity of people and nature in the community in which a company is embodied.

    Frank Martin Püschel



    Corporations rule the world. The successful ones hoard vast amounts of cash and invest in "almost everything". If they are banks, they even supply entire countries with credit money. Their instrument of power is money, and this money is generated by profit. Therefore, TRI-MONY is based on profit as the main driver. TRI-MONY means that the profit of a company is divided into three equal parts. This division into three thirds is a radical promise.

    The first third of the profit remains with the owner (shareholder) of the company. This is crucial because no rational investor can be expected to invest capital without receiving something in return - given the many risks of investment such as inflation, losses or even bankruptcy. In addition, there is greed, which can be considered an inherent characteristic of human nature. By distributing one third of the profit to the company owner, all these aspects are well taken care of.

    The second third of the profit is used for eco-social issues within the company. We call this approach Radical Corporate Social Resonsibility (Radical CSR). If you look at the whole value chain of a company (including suppliers), there are companies that people like to work for (imagine someone employed at the headquarters of one of the global blue chips). But there may also be other companies within the same value chain where workers may have to suffer from harmful working conditions. Just think of the garment workers in Bangladesh who lost their lives in the tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza building. Therefore, the second third of the profit should be used to give everyone involved in the value chain of a company a fair share of the profit generated, so that they can live a decent life.

    A company is always embedded in a larger community context (people and nature). The third third of the profit should be made available to the community in which the company operates and which it may negatively impact. We consider this approach Radical Corporate Citizenship (Radical CC). For example, a company that produces plastics could take the initiative to filter seawater to remove the residues of its products (microplastic particles) that pollute the oceans.

    With regard to pushing towards a new and exploitation-free society, we are convinced that this new and radical way of looking at a company's licence to operate has the power to break the current economic paradigm and end all the eco-social problems caused by companies in the world.

    A note from our CEO Frank Martin Püschel




    In September 2018, the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) has published Frank Martin Pueschel's book "RADICAL CHANGE". It is a theoretical template for the practical approach of GSN.

    Frank Martin Püschel

    Frank Martin Püschel (* 1969) lives in Leistadt (Bad Dürkheim, Germany) and works in his group of companies mainly in Europe and Asia. The writing of books originally developed about spontaneous bedtime stories for his children. Through his work, he experienced the suffering of migrant workers in Asia. When the opportunity arose in 2012 in its own factory in Shenzhen to make conditions for migrant workers dignified and sustainable, the new eco-social concept TRI-MONY developed.

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